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12 Best Data Integration Software You Should Try

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Are you planning to buy a data integration tool but not sure which one is right for your business? Don’t worry! We are here for your escape. You have to be a little cautious while finding the right data integration software for your business as we have hundreds of such tools in the market.

This is not just a guide to finding the right tool but is a well-researched list of some of the best data integration tools.

Before delving into the article, let’s have a small discussion about data integration.
You must be struggling with scattered data across multiple platforms and have this idea of getting data integration software for your business.

The deal is not bad as it allows you to simplify your work to a great extent. It helps you save time, money, and effort. The saved time and effort can be used for better purposes.

What is Data Integration Software?

Data integration software is a tool that allows you to collect, transform, feed, and transfer data from multiple sources to a place where you can have complete and unerring data for data analysis or other business purposes.

Data integration is not just a way to save time and energy, it also allows you to create data warehouses. Data warehouses allow users to consolidate reports, run queries, generate analysis, and retrieve data.

There are four types of data integration software and to find the right one we need to know about all four of them.

Type of Data Integration Tools

1. Cloud-based Data Integration Software

As the name itself suggests, cloud-based software is used for integrating data from multiple sources and locations. It is the widely chosen tool as it is affordable as well as a feasible option for businesses.

2. Open-source Data Integration Software

This is a great option if you don’t want to spend much money on integration software or you are averting from proprietary software. This type allows free access to its contributors. These contributors have a public source code of Open-source software.

3. On-premise Data Integration Software

The cost of maintaining this software is high and is mainly chosen by businesses having well-functioning IT departments. The IT department handles this tool and it takes space on a local network or private cloud.

4. Proprietary Data Integration Software

This is again not a budget-friendly type of software. Mostly bigger firms opt for this software as it is designed to cater to specific business needs.

How to choose the right data integration software?

Now, that we know about different data integration software, let’s find out the factors that one should consider while selecting the one for his business.


No, you’ll not be labeled “Shallow”, if you are considering the price before buying software for your business. It is going to impact the overall cost, so you have to be considerate while buying integration software for your firm.


The software you are planning to buy should be capable of your present and future needs. It should not lag when the size of your data as well as business will increase.

Security Requirements

You need to know about the security norms of the tool you’re choosing. It should maintain the privacy of your data from malware and at the same time doesn’t have high demands for maintaining privacy.

Data Source

As you have read above, different data integration software has different sources, you have to consider the source according to your requirements.

Don’t forget to consider customization needs as well!

Let’s have a glance at the best data integration software available in the market.

List Of Best Data Integration Software With A Quick Read

Dell Boomi

Data Integration Software
Data Integration Software


It is a cloud-based data integration tool that allows businesses to integrate applications and partners through the web. It is from a well-known brand Dell which is why it has managed to gain the trust of its users.

It is purchased by both small and big businesses as it supports the functioning of both sizes. The tool allows you to maintain integration in a central place through a unified portal.

Dell Boomi’s features make it the best choice for IT Firms.
Though other businesses can use it, as we said we are giving you a precise detailing of every tool so that you can get the best for your business.


Data Integration Software
Data Integration Software


Informatica is one of the best data integration software in India. It is an ETL and data integration software that provides multiple services like data management, data masking, and many more.

It is mostly used by middle-sized and large companies. It allows you to integrate, migrate, and validate your data without any difficulty. It has a great interface which makes it everyone’s favourite software.

Businesses that are dealing with massive amounts of data should go for Informatica.


Data Integration Software
Data Integration Software


This data integration software is entwined with artificial intelligence that offers features like real-time language translation and speech recognition. It has been set for cloud-based, on-premise, and SaaS variants as well.

It allows users to create integration between two applications using its templates. It is used by firms that require complex integrations. Mostly, it is chosen by large enterprises.


Data Integration Software
Data Integration Software


You must know about this tool for other services. Oracle is one of the most trusted brands that provides other services as well as data integration services to businesses.

It also offers warehouse-building services. It has ETL architecture which offers better productivity at low maintenance for its users. This is why it has become a great choice for people who are looking for budget-friendly data integration software.

It also supports various RDBMSs like IBM DB2, Sybase IQ, etc.


If you are looking for software, that has a simple UI then Pentaho should be your choice. Along with data integration, it provides other services like ETL, moving data from multiple sources to warehouses, and many more.

It is an open-source software that helps users in multiple data management activities.
It is used by both small and middle-size businesses as it lacks real-time data availability service. Firms that are ready to compromise on this factor can go for Pentaho.


Zigiwave offers a long list of services which is why it is chosen by firms that has fewer human resource and want automated services. It is an integration software for CRM systems, DevQps, and ITSM.

It has a simple UI and it doesn’t store data which deletes security concerns. It also fulfills customization needs and provides real-time data availability.


Celigo is an iPaaS integration tool that is known for automating most of the workflow for transformation and extraction. It has a low-code GUI-based flow builder that enables businesses to customize integrations.

It is the right choice for businesses that have a small team and lack coding knowledge.


Snaplogic is a browser-based software that also has AI embedded into it. It has a simple UI and holds expertise in reporting. It also offers the ability to monitor ETL job progress.

If your firm doesn’t have IT professionals, you must go for Snaplogic as it is easy to use and maintain.


Talend is an open-source data integration software that offers multiple services like data preparation, ETL services, data management, and many more. It is the most commonly used open-source software as it provides free services as well.

Using other tools like Hadoop and NoSQL, you can use this software as an open-source as well as on-premise software.

The only shortcoming is real-time data availability. If you don’t mind that, you can go to Talend.


Zapier is proprietary data integration software that is one of its kind. The software is chosen by firms with elephantine budgets. It offers a no-code solution for its users and has multiple integrations.

The best part of Zapier is its simple user interface, unlike most proprietary software.

It is not a well-known tool but offers quality services. It offers automation through click-or-code. It also caters to your customization needs. All you need to do is turn code to “finish” while doing customizations.

You can give it a try as many people ended up comparing this not-so-popular tool to Zapier.

IRI Voracity

IRI Voracity is an eclipse GUI-based data integration software that allows you to connect two applications with its API and offers services like data masking, MDM integrations, and much more.

It allows users to integrate data with other business analytics and intelligence tools. If you are acquainted with to Eclipse GUI-based system, only then you should go for this tool.


Getting data integration software is going to ease your work. So, don’t wait anymore to buy the tool that suits best your requirements. You can trust this list as we have knitted this list after a thorough research of integration software.

Which software did you like the most? Let me know in the comment section. This is an open article so you can continue the list in the comment section.

Also, if you are looking for inventory management software, click here.


What is data integration?

Data integration refers to the task of consolidating, feeding, and transferring data from multiple sources to a destination that reduces the hassle of switching across multiple platforms at a time.

What are the 4 types of data integration software?

Four different types of data integration tools include Open-source integration software, proprietary integration software, on-premise integration software, and cloud-based integration software.

Which integration tools can be used for free?

Many data integration tools can be used for free. They include Hevo Technologies, Talend, Xplenty, and many more.

Why is data integration important?

Data integration helps you in saving time and energy which in turn enhances your productivity. It offers ease of doing tasks to your team as the massive amount of data is now available in one place.

When is the right time to invest in integration tools?

There is nothing like the right time. Whenever you feel the need to reduce your workload and scale your business by using different software, you can invest thereby.

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